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Friday, March 20, 2009

Our search for knowledge

"The one who seeks knowledge is like a warrior in the cause of religion for the way of Allah." (Imam Ali a.s.)
Do you have enough knowledge to call yourself a warrior for the way of Allah? No, nor do I. No doubt at one point or another we find ourselves motivated to learn, to seek knowledge by way of lectures and reading - more often then not this commonly occurs during the first 10 days of Muharrum but soon enough we find ourselves increasingly distracted and subsequently find it hard to fit in the time to make an effort to seriously learn, revise and spread our knowledge of Islam.

Our basic Islamic understanding tends to come from the education provided by our parents or perhaps the few years spent at the Saturday/Sunday madressa, but how much of that knowledge do we retain today, and how much more have we sought ourselves? The information we have learnt from a lecture or a book is only one step in increasing our knowledge. Studies have shown that knowledge can only stay fresh in the human mind for a short period of 24hrs after which it needs to be revised in order for it to be retained. After listening to lectures, ask me what I learnt the next day and the information is limited.

Either out of laziness or naivety, we don't tend to enhance what we have learnt from lectures with further revision. I often think that when the time comes, I'll be able to seek the knowledge from various books or knowledgeable friends, but rarely make the effort to search for knowledge out of choice. It is important to know about the basic Islamic beliefs. I'm sure like me you find yourself in debates with Sunni's or non-Muslims and often come unstuck when your are unable to identify a viewpoint they have as incorrect. You know it's wrong, but can't back it up. The historical fact or quranic verse or narration of that particular event is missing from your mind and you end up looking foolish. 

For us Shias it's even more important. There are several topics that are controversial for Sunnis and it's important to be able to talk about them with the correct information. I've previously touched upon temporary marriage and dissimulation and there are other topics which seem to be unique to the Shias although backed up by the Quran and Ahl-Bayt, and often cause great difficulty for us simply because we don't have the knowledge to back ourselves.

Islamic law and jurisprudence is arguably the most difficult simply because of the level of detail that is needed to have a proper understanding. However, even if we stick to the basics, how much knowledge do we have? Do we know what invalidates our prayers, what breaks our ablution, what needs to be performed after certain events? It is not good enough to simply argue that our intentions are pure and therefore God will accept our mistakes or lapses. When we have the ability to learn and clarify our practices, then there can be no excuse for being lazy - shaitan thrives on this laziness and lures us into a false sense of security.

I remember a hadith as a child (I don't have the authentic source unfortunately) where a man dreams about the shaitan. He sees him in a room lining up some equipment - a rope, a pipe, some string, a tree trunk etc. He asks him what is he doing. The shaitan replies that he's preparing his tools for distracting people during their prayers. Some people's faith and concentration is so strong that only a push with the tree trunk can distract them, for others a rope is sufficient to distract them and others, a piece of string. The man asks what he needs in order to distract the Prophet, the shaitan says that no power on Earth can distract the Prophet during his namaaz. The man confident about his namaaz having learnt it from the Prophet, asked the shaitan what he used to distract him. The shaitan put all his equipment away and said for you I don't need any of this, just a pull on my little finger is enough to distract you.

Ever since I've heard this hadith, I've always thought is shaitan using only his little finger to distract me? Sometimes it is so easy to get distracted. To strengthen our concentration we need more knowledge of what namaaz means and how important it is. We can't just say that our intention was pure, we need to constantly strive to improve our concentration levels at all times. Maybe then the shaitan will need to use something stronger to distract us - we can safely say that he won't give up - but our struggle to defy him can get stronger with more knowledge.

Having identified what we need to do, what is the best way to achieve it? Starting from scratch would be the best bet. Identifying the basics of Islam - the wajab and haram acts and then checking how much of it do we actually know. There are plentiful sources online such as and, both have excellent resources of knowledge, easily navigated and easy to read.

After exploring the basics, reading books which go into more depth will make more sense. has a vast amount of lectures and literature composed by a variety of scholars, our Imams and the Holy Prophet. There are also quite a few resources for watching lectures online such as and which again are a useful source of knowledge and information.

Armed with this ever increasing knowledge will not only increase our faith and beliefs and thus bring us closer to God, but also allow us to engage in debate and discussion with confidence and a certain level of authoritativeness. Obviously people will always try to catch us out, but having more and more information can only help. If you get a chance and inshallah have the motivation, check out the above sites and see what you make of it all. I particularly recommend the fact sheets of Shi'ism as a starting point, indeed many of you might recognise them from my blogs which have been based on them in the past and no doubt I'll be referring to them again in the future at some stage.

Before wrapping up, I want to congratulate Liverpool for the sumptuous thrashing of Manchester United last week and then commiserate as once again they face Chelsea in the quarter-final of the Champions League - it's going to be tense once again and I always hate the tension that surrounds these games, being a supporter is not that much fun.

Lastly, the new series of The Apprentice starts next Wednesday. It's always been entertaining for one thing - how dumb the candidates are. No matter what their background, some of the things they try in their tasks are just so inane, you wonder how Sir Alan could hire any of them. Should be entertaining.

Take care all,
Thoughts just flow, when do they have to make sense?

Friday, March 13, 2009

Mind draws a _____

I've been sat staring at the screen for the last 15minutes thinking of something to blog about and my mind is completely blank. How sad. It's just been one of those typical mundane weeks where nothing much has really happened. Patients come and go, most are well and don't need my help - it has been a boring week to say the least. What follows now is some random chatter about nothing, so if you're reading then you've probably had a boring week as well.

Actually to start things off, I did have an interesting patient present last week in my surgery. A young Irish lady came complaining of multiple mouth sores/ulcers. Nothing interesting about that you may say, but then as part of my general health screening I asked about her job (as stress can be a cause for mouth ulcers) and she revealed that she was a fire-eater! I don't know how many fire-eaters you have met but she was my first one. As part of her act, she had to hold large quantities of liquid paraffin in her mouth and then spit it out on a naked flame to get a fire-eating effect. She works in the entertainment industry (unsurprisingly) and was part of an event group which organised shows and displays for corporate businesses. Her group appeared on Dragon's Den last year and were signed up by James Caan

As I had a bit of time to spare before my next patient, I asked her about her experiences of James Caan. You may know that Caan was actually born as Nazim Khan to muslim parents in Pakistan. He changed his name when he saw the actor James Caan in The Godfather because he liked the spelling of 'Caan', plus, no doubt, he wanted a name that wouldn't sound like a muslim! Anyway, the patient described him as a bit of sleaze, always slightly drunk and hitting on the ladies at various parties. She then went on to say that during Ramadan whilst she was fasting, he was happily eating and drinking. 

Pause for a moment and read that last sentence again. She was fasting? Immediately I interrupted her (going against all GP principles) to double check what she had just said. Indeed she was muslim, and had converted (re-verted) several years ago whilst living in Egypt. She was married to a son of a sheikh and converted after reading the Quran looking for answers about life. She spoke fluent Arabic andhad previously worn hijab but was currently reflecting on her experiences before hoping to resume the hijab once again. Rather enlightening to say the least. A fire-eating Irish muslim - surely one of a kind!

Anyway, back to the boring stuff. Liverpool's title challenge has lasted longer than most years this season and this weekend sees them face the might of Manchester United at Old Trafford. They need a win to have any chance of challenging for the title. Already 7 points behind, to fall 10 points behind with defeat would spell the end of their challenge this year and would mean that Man Utd would match the record 18 titles that Liverpool have won in their history. I started supporting Liverpool properly in 1994 and at that point Man Utd had won only 8 titles. Fast-forward 15 years and whilst Liverpool haven't budged from 18, Man Utd are about to catch up unless something can be done starting from this weekend.

It's ridiculous the amount of criticism Liverpool get on an almost daily basis for not being good enough to maintain a challenge. Everyone ignores the simple fact that Man Utd simply have far more resources because they have been able to spend a lot more money than Liverpool. At a quick glance, Man Utd have at least 5 players worth over £20 million, (not including Ronaldo) whilst Liverpool have only one (Torres). With that in mind, it's impressive that Liverpool were able to maintain a strong challenge for as long as they did this year. 

Moving on briefly to mention 24. The show continues its resurgence with Day 7 this year. It has been a true return to form and I've forgotten about the drab that was Day 6 back in 2007. The last few episodes have been especially good. If you've never watched it, I truly urge you to go out and buy Day 1 NOW! I'm not going to talk about it any further until the season finishes as I don't want to spoil anything until it has completed.

I should conclude now, as I'm sure if you've persevered and read on to this point, you'll be grateful for the finish as well. I leave you with a YouTube clip of Michael McIntyre Live at The Apollo just to cheer you up after that boring read.

Take care all,
Thoughts just flow, when do they have to make sense?

Friday, March 06, 2009

Temporary marriage and Dissimulation

I received a rather disturbing YouTube link to a video by Watford Man. The clip is by a American born Sunni 'scholar' criticising Shia's and Shia beliefs. Normally, this would not cause any concern, there have been many before and there are sure to be many after that will criticise Shias. However, what made this video stand out was the person speaking. "Sheikh" Yasir Qadhi was born and educated in America and then completed further Islamic studies in Saudi Arabia. He is a prominent speaker on the Islam Channel and Peace TV. Rather than the usual Arab nutjobs who rant and rave against Shias, his presentations tend to be calm, reflected and researched with Shia sources - making it sound very convincing. Have a listen, see what you think and then I'll attempt to discuss some of the points he raises.

He recently visited the UK for a Global Peace and Unity event hosted by the Islam Channel and had some Labour politicians as guests. Along with his views about Shias, he has also expressed derogatory opinions about the Jews and the Holocaust - so at least we're not his only targets - and so to have him at a Peace event is rather worrying.

Dealing with the issues he raises in the above clip, he picks on the most often used topics to criticise Shias - namely Muta (Temporary Marriage) and Taqqiyah (Dissimulation). Both of these concepts, he claims, are practiced by Shias and both are against the teachings of God and the Holy Prophet. To support his claims he quotes from Usl-al-Kafi, a collection of sayings from the 6th Holy Imam.

If I get into these two topics in depth, I could be here for hours. However, what I will attempt to do is discuss the two topics using the Quran and also touch upon the history of these practices and then hopefully you can decide how accurate his claims are. As always, the best place to start is the Quran. The concept of Muta revolves around one main verse in the Quran:
"(...Except the forbidden women) the rest are lawful unto you to seek them with gifts from your property (i.e., dowry), provided that you desire protection (from sin), not fornication. So for whatever you have had of pleasure (Istamta'tum) with them by the contract, give unto them their appointed wages as a duty. And there is no sin for you in what you both agree (in extending the contract) after fulfilling the (first) duty. Lo! Allah is ever Knower, Wise." (Surah 4, Verse 24)
The word 'marriage' is specifically not mentioned in this verse, it is instead the word 'istamatatum' which translates to muta (temporary marriage). It was a practice that was allowed during the time of the Prophet and according to many Sunni books was later prohibited by the second caliph, Umar. Referring to the main Sunni book of hadith - Sahih Bukhari, we find a narration stating: "The Verse of Muta was revealed in Allah's Book, so we performed it with Allah's Apostle, and nothing was revealed in Qur'an to make it illegal, nor did the Prophet prohibit it till he died. But the man (who regarded it illegal) just expressed what his own mind suggested." (Sahih Bukhari, Book 60 - Prophetic commentary on the Quran - Hadith #43). The man mentioned was Umar the second caliph.

Furthermore, in Sahih Muslim, the claim that Umar banned the act of Muta is confirmed in the following hadith: "Abu Nadra reported: While I was in the company of Jabir b. Abdullah, a person came to him and said that Ibn 'Abbas and Ibn Zubair differed on the two types of Mut'as (Tamattu' of Hajj 1846 and Tamattu' with women), whereupon Jabir said: We used to do these two during the lifetime of Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him). Umar then forbade us to do them, and so we did not revert to them." (Sahih Muslim, Book 8 - Book of Marriage - Hadith #3250) So, with the aid of Sunni sources, not mentioned by the "Sheikh", it seems as if Muta is allowed as according to the Quran, practiced during the time of the Prophet and was subsequently forbidden by the second Caliph. As a Muslim, I think it's important to follow the Prophet rather than the second Caliph, don't you?

Having tried to prove the authenticity of Muta, obviously it is a topic that raises much debate because of what it means. I don't want to get into the rights and wrongs of Muta. It was introduced at a time when fornication and prostitution was rife, it was used at a time when men went to war and would be separated from their wives for long periods. Like any other rule or act, it is open to abuse. By all means criticise those who abuse the laws of Islam, but to abuse the act when it is clearly allowed by God and his Prophet is wrong.

Moving on to Taqqiyah and the act of dissimulation - i.e. to hide one's true faith in the face of provocation and risk of life, let me begin again by referring to the Quran:

"Any one who, after accepting faith in Allah, utters Unbelief,- except under compulsion, his heart remaining firm in Faith - but such as open their breast to Unbelief, on them is Wrath from Allah, and theirs will be a dreadful penalty." (Surah 16, Verse 106)

"A believer, a man from among the people of Pharaoh, who had concealed his faith, said: "Will ye slay a man because he says, 'My Lord is Allah'? (Surah 40, Verse 28)

"When Moses came back to his people, angry and grieved, he said: "Evil it is that ye have done in my place in my absence: did ye make haste to bring on the judgment of your Lord?" He put down the tablets, seized his brother by (the hair of) his head, and dragged him to him. Aaron said: "Son of my mother! the people did indeed reckon me as naught, and went near to slaying me! Make not the enemies rejoice over my misfortune, nor count thou me amongst the people of sin." (Surah 7, Verse 150)

The above three verses all go some way to explaining the concept of taqiyyah. The first verse states that taqiyyah is permissible only in the times of need, in the second verse a believer was forced to conceal his faith at the time of the Pharaoh for fear of prosecution and lastly even a Prophet of God had to engage in taqiyyah in order to save his own life. Infact, the Holy Prophet himself had to engage in taqiyyah during the first 3 yrs of the revelation to prevent Islam being obliterated at the very beginning.

The concept of taqiyyah is clearly supported by the Quran and one that is engaged by Muslims at times of persecution. It doesn't mean that we have become liars and cannot be trusted. Qadhi goes on to quote Usul-al-Kafi and the remark from our 6th Holy Imam: ""Nine tenths of religion is Taqiyyah (dissimulation), hence one who does not dissimulate has no religion." (Al-Kafi, Volume 9). From this he has concluded that 90% of the Shia faith is based on lies. Typical Sunni course of action, taking one quote completely out of context.

Ignoring the fact that the Qadhi himself ignores the Quran, let's discuss the above quote. This statement was first made at a time when true Muslims were under severe prosecution. The rulers of the Arab world at the time were extremely corrupt and keen to abolish Islam altogether. To prevent the risk of death and punishment, many Muslims had to engage in taqiyyah. This is supported by Sahih Bukhari: "Anas said, "I do not find (now-a-days) things as they were (practiced) at the time of the Prophet." Somebody said "The prayer (is as it was.)" Anas said, "Have you not done in the prayer what you have done? Narrated Az-Zuhri that he visited Anas bin Malik at Damascus and found him weeping and asked him why he was weeping. He replied, "I do not know anything which I used to know during the life-time of Allah's Apostle except this prayer which is being lost (not offered as it should be)." (Book 10 - Times of the prayers - Hadith#507)

The above hadith testifies that the practices of the Holy Prophet had been changed and even the namaaz was being altered. During this time, where were the true Muslims? If they weren't raising their voice, they remained in hiding to save themselves. When the 6th Holy Imam states that 90% of the religion is taqiyyah, then that is because 90% of the religion being practiced by the rulers was corrupt and not the true religion of Islam. Anyone who wasn't engaging in taqiyyah, but was instead following the rules of the caliphs at that time was not practising true Islam.

More importantly, fast-forwarding to today and post 9/11, Muslims throughout the world are being prosecuted and victimised. In the face of such aggravation what are we meant to do? In some situations people have no choice but to hide their true beliefs. To interpret taqiyyah as a form of lying and not telling the truth as Qadhi accuses Shias of is plain wrong and again extremely convenient for his style of preaching.

I've attempted to touch the surface of these two vast topics. I feel that using the Quran, as the main source would be a good starting point and also provide some clarification about the two practices. There is much more detail to go into about these topics and I finish with some links for further reading if any of you are interested about it.


Take care all,
Thoughts just flow, when do they have to make sense?