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Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Jughead and Scottish dentist

Had a rather busy morning surgery for a change. Was dealing with one patient for one hour! My appointment times are limited to 20mins so you can imagine the backlog after that. It was however, a bit of an emergency, the patient had potentially damaged his sensitive area beyond repair following a grueling rugby match, and I had to refer him to hospital rather urgently. Being out in the sticks it took longer than the half hour Chelsea have been complaining about yesterday, don't think it'll get the same media coverage though! After that it was a race to get through all the patients and finish on time just so I can type this blog!

Reading through my past few blogs and they've been very political/religious in nature, I haven't really typed a light-hearted blog for awhile, so today I am going to attempt to correct that. Before I go on, just a brief ramble on a new TV show I've been watching called HEROES. It's about people across the world discovering that they have superpowers and how they deal with their discoveries whilst at the same time there is a conspiracy to try and capture them and exploit their powers. Certain people seem to realise their powers before they themselves have developed them. It's only 4 episodes in and is very intriguing. The range of powers is diverse, a cheerleader who is immortal, policeman who can hear peoples thoughts, a Chinese dude with the ability to teleport and the druggie who paints the future whilst high on heroin! Definitely worth watching.

A while back I received a comment on my blog about MTL from someone called Jughead. She's recently moved to Scotland with her husband who, surprise surprise, is a dentist. While he works she's stuck in the middle of nowhere, so I promised I'd type about them to keep her entertained whilst she is away.

The nickname Jughead is from the character of the same name in the Archie comics, and that goes some way to describing her, although I must add she's not quite as doozy as the character in the comics. These were comics we read when we were younger, the difference being that she still reads them! With a different noise everytime she laughs, you definitely know when she's about. Jughead is actually my aunt, although she is two years younger than me! Work that out! My dad is her first cousin, therefore making her my aunt.

Living in the same town, we grew up together and were very good friends. Our families interacted well and it was a fun childhood. I'd like to think that we drifted apart when I went to uni, but looking back, it was a lot earlier than that, during the time I became a social recluse at the age of 16-17. It was only after I moved back home after finishing uni, did we become good friends again. Obviously being family meant we kept in touch at various family events but now, my wife and I get on extremely well with her and her husband.

This leads me nicely on to the Scottish dentist! The dentist from India who worked in Pizza Hut before moving to Scotland to practice dentistry because it is apparently the only place in the UK where he can get a job! Sounds ridiculous doesn't it? A dentist struggling for work, but I guess that is the situation the NHS has created for many dentists.

Until he got married to Jughead, I barely knew him, only as a cousin of a friend. Jughead got married at the age of 19! She phoned me with the news that she was to get engaged in March 2001. I was happy for her, but didn't really know what to make of her husband because I didn't know him. He was a guy from India who had been introduced to Jughead via family contacts and they got married at the end of the same year. I had seen him briefly in 2000, but had no idea what type of person he was.

When they returned to the UK after marriage, I still didn't get to know Scottish dentist mainly because I was away at uni and maintaining my reclusive tendencies, but he seemed a nice and decent bloke. Now, I hate using 'nice' as a descriptive term, but I just didn't know him, so nice seemed the best word to describe him. Since those early days, I've gotten to know him really well and he really is a nice and decent bloke! Although I don't like to use it, 'nice' is the best way to describe him! He won't like me using it either, he hates the word almost as much as the word 'cozy,' but that's another story!

It's only since getting married and moving back home have my wife and I got close to Jughead and Scottish dentist. They live only 2mins away and we spend a lot of time socialising, chilling and relaxing in each others' homes. They also get on extremely well with Miss LMA and MTL, often getting in the way of our interactions! It's a lot more peaceful when they're not there! MTL, I know you're fuming as you read this, but you also know its true, so take a deep breath and calm down!

It was a big surprise when they announced they were moving to Scotland for a short period with a view to moving there for the next 3-4years. They left this weekend and it's been quite weird without them. Usually we would meet at least twice a week and just chill out, but now that is no longer possible. At the risk of sounding sissy, I actually miss them! For the time being, Scottish dentist seems to be finding the most complicated way to practice dentistry. He's working 4 days a week in Scotland and then after finishing his surgery on Thursday evening, drives over 430miles to come back home. He then works Friday and Saturday at his previous practice before returning to Scotland on Sunday morning! I always complain about feeling tired, but I can't imagine how tiring that is proving to be!

Eventually, next month, he won't have work at his old practice and will stay in Scotland till early next year. He plans to scope the area with a view to starting his own practice, simply because it is almost impossible to do so locally. Therefore we have till the turn of the year to make sure he realises how crap it is living in Scotland - I am already making plans! Jughead, you can help as well! Actually on a serious note, it's extremely praiseworthy that she has gone along with the plans to move when it would've been much easier for her to stay put.

Before I finish, I've realised that I haven't spoken much about Jughead. She's easily the wackiest auntie I have! She is a very genuine and caring person, and my wife and she have become very close friends. She's also extremely close to Miss LMA and MTL, much more so than me, and has been there for them in times of need which I am extremely grateful for, and hopefully she will continue to do so via the telephone, making my job easier!

To conclude, I will be trying many things to make sure they don't move to Scotland on a long-term basis. Jughead as you read this, look around you, anyone you know? Dark and cloudy outside? It's going to be like that all the time! Scottish dentist, how can you tolerate the accent of all your patients? Who you going to chill with? It's not going to work! Plus, my wife and I will find replacements, how are you going to feel then? Don't want that to happen now do you?! I'm just joking around, but there is some seriousness behind it all. It would be a big shame if they actually go through with it and move, but in the meantime, let's see what can be done!

Take care all,
Thoughts just flow, when do they have to make sense?

PS Jughead, make sure you leave a comment or few! Scottish dentist, a comment would be nice, but I know you have a phobia of keyboards!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear 2YYIAM,

That was a really nice blog and I was really happy to hear it! In fact this whole blogging thing is a really good idea and I think a very positive one.

Yep am in rainy old Fife right now, first thing I want to do when I get home is to go to Southall!! Need some fresh blood if you get my meaning! :-) We've done the first week and the place we're staying in makes the hotels in Makkah seem like Hiltons so I've been on the hunt for a flat and a job at the same time. Keep your fingers crossed everyone! And I too am praying that we don't end up moving here permanently (well for a few years) as that would be really difficult and I would miss everyone too much back home!!

But back to the childhood thing, yep we had a great childhood, one that I will always remember with great pleasure. Things like creating sewers, making collages, adventourous bike rides, making up stupid games like 'Application Form Please' and 'There's no time like Show Time' and who can forget the good old 'Spy Detective Agency Club?'. I have to thank you mainly and of course MTL and LMA a lot for that..I could not have asked for a better childhood and I know the future Inshallah will be just as good coz like you said we're all really good friends and I'm missing your wife loads!

And yeah I'm glad you admitted becoming a bit of a social recluse at the age of 16! Or maybe it was earlier than that? But it's all good and in fact Scottish dentist and I were discussing yesterday how amazing it is that you have changed (to put it into context I guess you could say you're going from a Reggie to an Archie!!) But not only that, you are making such a concious effort to become a more religious person. A lot of people (us included) talk a lot about becoming better Muslims but you are actually doing it. I've read with great interest some of the debates you have mentioned in your blog but have yet to read the rest. There's a lot of useful stuff in there for anyone who wants to learn.

I was thinking myself the other day about life after listening to Hasnain Rajabli's as-per-usual-excellent speech where he discussed how we won't be taking anything to the grave so what's the point of trying to accumulate so much in this world? And then I got round to thinking how experiences in life are only as good as the memories we have of them. For example, Scottish Dentist and I did a Round-The-World-Trip and had a brilliant time but say if after we came home that memory was immediately wiped out. And that was the case with everything in life? Everything just gets wiped out as soon as its over. So then what's the point right? I guess in the same way when we do die everything will just be wiped out so what's the point?

Neways.....yeah sorry about that, kinda intruding on the blog here!!!

I best leave it there but will be sure to leave more comments. I have to finish again by reaffirming how good it is to see you becoming so religious..its really really inspiring for the rest of us!