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Friday, November 17, 2006

Tiredness is killing II

It's been a weird week blogging wise. Actually, if I think about it, I've followed the main objective of these blogs i.e. random thoughts. Blogs this week have been very random, not following a set topic, which is how I started in the first place. I guess a combination of random thoughts and set topics of discussion works well and I'll continue down that road. Speaking of starts, tomorrow is the two month anniversary of the blog - I've surprised myself with how long it's lasted.

Looking back at the last 2 months, it's been an enjoyable task typing this blog every weekday. I've surprised myself with how much I've been able to type every day, with a word average easily over 1200 daily, and the range of topics I've covered in that time. I hope you'll agree that I have typed pretty much about anything and everything! The one disappointment has been the response. I incorrectly had the impression that all you had to do was start a blog and the readers would come. I haven't really advertised it and in fact my uni friends are still searching for it as I type, so I guess I should've expected that. Fortunately a few family & friends do read the blog but I guess not everyone has the time to sit down and leave comments. Not everyone has 4hrs spare on most afternoons! But the hit counter now shows over 700, with only 500 being myself, so that means at least 200 hits fro other people!

Like all Fridays, I'm feeling absolutely shattered. I'm currently working on producing a DVD of our Pakistan trip using video editing software called Pinnacle Studio 10. It's an amazing piece of software which basically lets you do anything with pictures and videos. However, it uses up tons of CPU and PC memory which makes it extremely unstable. It keeps crashing every 5mins which has made the process extremely tiresome. Thankfully it recovers what was being done after it crashes, but it's painstakingly slow. I've easily spent over 10hours on it so far, only managing 24mins of actual film.

It needs a lot of patience. My wife & I managed to create a film for my Dad's 50th birthday last year which turned out very well, but it took over 4 months to prepare and at the penultimate stage my computer crashed and deleted the whole thing, but we somehow managed to recover it. For it to work you need enormous amounts of computing power, and even then it's not guaranteed to work, which is a shame since it's really easy to use. After finishing work today I hope to finish the remainder of the holiday by tomorrow, but I'm not hopeful.

I'm really feeling the effects of a lack of sleep this week, so my mind is slowly but surely going numb, creating a lot of difficulty in typing this blog. I still haven't read the document on "How to sleep less and have more energy," I've just been too tired! With that in mind, I'm sure you'll excuse me for ending the blog now. Finished my surgery and after a home visit it's time to go home and collapse into bed!

Take care all, and have a good weekend,
Thoughts just flow, when do they have to make sense?


Anonymous said...

Easy Chief

Time is short these days for me, exams coming up hence I am unable to fully read your blog. However, I will be more than happy to leave you regular comments. Perhaps you should leave an abstract (like they do in journals) at the start of the blog!!!! Anyway keep it real. Enjoy the weekend, and let me know about Dec 8-10.


Anonymous said...

Friday is always the best day to look forward to because you know you have a good 2 days to chill before you have to go back to work...its mainly when you get to sunday afternoon that you start dreading going back on monday... why do we have to work again??
Its different for uni students though.. at least you don't have coursework to hand in and you can forget about your work until monday morning!
lucky u!